SQL Healthcare Project

How Ethical and Efficient is our Healthcare system?

Health care is a very controversial topic in the United States.  During the pandemic we saw how truly valuable a hospital bed is.  This is the hospital’s one limiting resource.  Let me put this in perspective in a few different ways.  If you are looking at it from a humanity lens and the hospital has 150 beds, and the hospital is full, you cannot help the 151st person.  If you are looking at it from a revenue perspective, you are turning away your 151st customer. 

       I conducted thorough analysis utilizing data from 130 hospitals in the United States.  I used descriptive analysis to determine what the distribution of time spent in the hospital looked like. This data was taken over a 10 year period (1999-2008).  I retrieved the data from UCI Machine Learning Repository: Diabetes 130-US hospitals for years 1999-2008 Data Set

       Using descriptive analysis, I was able to answer several questions about how truly efficient and ethical our hospitals are.  These questions included: Do most of our hospital patients stay over 7 days? Does ethnicity play a factor in length of hospital stay? Do patients stay in the hospital as long as projections are showing?